Creat function
name type data type description default value fn required (x: number) => number Calculation method of the mathematical function. ranges required [number, number] The range of the function. domain optional [number, number] The domain of the function [0, 0] divisionX optional number Used to control the granularity of the function graph along the x-axis. 100 divisionY optional number Used to control the granularity of the function graph along the y-axis. 100 color optional string Used to set the color of the function graph during rendering. white width optional number Used to control the width of the function graph in the drawing area. 1 fillColor optional string Used to set the fill color of the function graph during rendering. none
Example code snippet
html<MathFunction :fn="(x:any) => Math.sin(x)" color="skyblue" :ranges="[0, 0]" :domain="[0, Math.PI*2]" wid="fn1" />